Thématique de recherche
Joachim Claudet specializes in linked coastal social-ecological research at the land-sea interface, using place-based case studies to inform management or meta-analyzes to impact policy. He is interested in research that helps implement appropriate monitoring designs and management plans, develop indicators and decision-making tools. He currently leads as PI three inter-disciplinary projects on linked social-ecological resilience of coastal systems (ACCRoSS, ANR; BUFFER, EU ERA-Net BiodivERsA; INTHENSE, Fondation de France) and, among others, is WP leader in two projects on ecosystem resilience and ecosystem services valuation, respectively (LIVE AND LET DIE, ANR; CORAL REEFS IN A CHANGING WORLD, EU BEST). Expert on marine protected areas for PISCO and WWF, he is also involved in several scientific councils and is the president of the scientific council of MedPAN. Faculty member of F100 Prime and Associate Editor of F1000 Research, Joachim Claudet recently edited a book on marine protected areas at Cambridge University Press.
Services écosystémiques dans les récifs coralliens