Thématique de recherche
PHD in Biology and Marine Environment (University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris 6) HdR, Director of the IRD Center of French Polynesia, I was the Director of the Ifremer Pacific Center during the last 6 years (January 2009 to August 2014). My main research topics are the tropical fisheries, mainly research on FAD fisheries and on the aggregative behavior of large pelagic fish around floating objects. I also work on the marine fish biodiversity, both in pelagic and reef ecosystems in the Indian Ocean, in French Antilles and the Pacific. I am co-author around 50 scientific publications, 8 books and 10 scientific movies (laureate of the Jean Pantaleon Award, French Veterinary Academy, 2014).
Pêche artisanale tropicale
Pêche hauturière